Wednesday, December 29

Little Ozzie Calls Jenks a "Punk", "Coward"

ProRumors:  Ozzie Guillen's son, Oney, is up to it again on Twitter. Oney is calling out right-handed reliever Bobby Jenks after he spoke bad about his father in an article by Scott Merkin.

Jenks was disappointed about his departure from the White Sox, but was happy to be moving to the Boston Red Sox. “I'm looking forward to playing for a manager who knows how to run a bullpen,” Jenks said.

Oney responded on Twitter by saying:

“oh and yes i remember clearly u blowing a hugee game in 09 and u laughing ur bearded a** off while everyone busting there tail” (Source: Twitter)

“i thought u were a man not some punk who runs away and talks bullsh**. u coward. say it to there face when u were with them” (Source: Twitter)
“and u say the manager didnt trust u? he kept putting ur fat a** there and u kept blowing it, he never took u away from that role unreal” (Source: Twitter)

 Oney is known for calling White Sox personnel out on his Twitter account. In August, he called out White Sox GM Ken Wiliams for going to a comedy club rather than watch his team play a doubleheader.

Oney?  What kind of name is Oney?...And why is this little dopey kid calling out a grown ass man?  In the words of Pedro..."Ozzie Guillen's son?....who are you!?!"

What's lost in this story is how awesome of a backhanded slap Jenks put on Ozzie?  Talk about putting a manager in his place.  No one can argue that Ozzie is bat shit crazy, and as a result makes some short bus decisions close and late.

Normally, I could care less about Ozzie's son and Bobby's little twitter spat, but now that Jenks wears the right uniform, it's on.  It's like how you're allowed to make fun of your own brother, but god forbid if someone else does....Game on.

1 comment:

Ozzieblowscoke said...

I dont know Ozzie's kid nor do I want to, but based on that article, I want to punch his rich boy face in.

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