Don't look now, but SI.com is reporting that the Yankees are currently printing more money in order to make a play on Mark Teixeira. It had been assumed by most that the Yankees were not in consideration for the best player still on the market given their focus on (and overpayment for) starting pitching. The Yanks have locked up CC Sabathia for 161 million and have offered Derek Lowe and Jason Burnett well over 15 million per year in long term deals as well. You would think with that kind of reckless spending the Yankees couldn't possibly afford Teixeira, much less outbid the Red Sox, Angels and others who are currently pursuing his services.....right?
With Hank in the big chair, never say never. According the the SI.com report, the Yankees "aren't about to concede Teixeira to the rival Red Sox or anyone else," As of now, there has been no word of a formal offer from the Yankees, but we all know how quickly things can change. It is also unclear if the Yankees are sincerely interested in landing the slugger, or if they are simply using the media and Scott Boras to drastically drive up Teixeira's price. Prior to this report, there had already been accusations that Scott Boras was using the media to exaggerate and inflate the "offers" on Teixeira....and now this.
A few months back Tex told the media that he would like to know where he'll be hitting taters next season by Christmas, so a decision over the next few weeks is likely. He has said he prefers the East Coast (he's a Maryland native), but more importantly, he wants to play for a team and ownership committed to winning. Well Boston is on the east coast, the last time I checked we've taken home two world series rings since 04' and this city is winning in every other sport imaginable (I even heard the Boston table tennis team is tops in the nation).....come to Titletown Tex....do it.
and now they sign Burnett for 85+ million? Does that mean they are still in the Tek dealings???
Have they decided for a sure yet if Joba will be a starter vs the pen?
Money is nothing to the Yankees, they'll spend top dollar to get Texeria if they want him bad enough, and I think they do.
I think Joba is going to start again next year.
....adding subject to Tim's claim that money means nothing to the Yanks...new reports today that they will likely offer Manny 3 years at 20 million per year..."Hank (Steinbrenner) wants him, but he isn't alone in the organization," a source told the Post about Ramirez. According to the Post..."They need somebody to protect Alex (Rodriguez)."
let's keep in mind Boras has been asking for a 5 year deal for the 37 year old clowntown.
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