Sunday, April 19

Easy Like Sunday Morning.....

If Paul Pierce could have hit one more free throw yesterday Bostonians would be in a complete state of euphoria this morning. Instead, we'll have to settle for a Red Sox win, a Bruins playoff spanking of the hated Canadians, and reading the NY headlines this morning after a historic 22-4 Yankee loss.

With that in mind, ITM figured we would share some of the headlines from a game that saw the Cleveland Indians put up a 14 spot in the 2nd inning. 14. The 1.5 billion dollar stadium didn't have a scoreboard that could accommodate that kind of drubbing.

So here you go Red Sox Nation....enjoy!

ITM note: Wang's ERA is now 34.50....pretty pumped I didn't pick him up in my fantasy league....and his next start is Friday at Fenway Park...if he makes it through the week alive.

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