Monday, August 24

This Just In, Buchholz is not Playoff Ready

Blogging from the third base line at Fenway with T Murph. The game has required a post saying that Buchholz must look better on TV than from the stands. His body language has been comparable to a 13 year old girl who just got dumped via text.

7 runs over 4 and 2 thirds is Brad Penny material. Way to sink our optimistic battleship Buchholz, now members of the ITM staff need to pay for a few more 9 dollar beers as a result.

Not ready for a spot in the playoff rotation quite does that mean our hopes rest on a Dice-K return?

Go Sox.

1 comment:

DVicino said...

Forgot to mention it in the post since we were in the middle of the in-game action, but a shoutout goes to the Kicker for scoring ITM some last minute tickets to last night's game.

Good time all fact...way too much of a good time. Paying for it today.

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