Tuesday, November 2

100 days (or so) Until Pitchers and Catchers - Youk Sounds Ready

Really? The Giants won the World Series and Edgar Renteria was the MVP? While it makes me want to punch myself in the face, it also restores a little faith in the game of baseball. The Giants (and especially Renteria) had no business being there, but baseball doesn't make sense, which is why I love it.

9 different teams winning the world series in the last 10 years doesn't make much sense either given all the bitching we do about payrolls, but somehow, it's true.

That said, it's time for the Sox to start preparing the world to return to normalcy. Youk looks and sounds ready. Only about 100 days until pitchers and catchers.

ITM will be returning to Ft Myers in March, time to get focused.

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