Friday, December 10

Carl Crawford: Working Harder Than You Since 1981

Gordo Edes had this as a late night post, and I must say, I'm impressed (granted, at this point, Carl Crawford could spit in a baby's face and I'd be impressed). The real CC is doing some crazy workouts, stuff I've never seen before.

Either way, this video tells me Carl Crawford means business, I can see him and Pedey battling it out in the weight room while Big Papi just saunters through at a slow pace eating chips and his salsa.

"I know what other people do, and they don't do this." I love it.


Soxin11' said...


Love the recent vids, and Theo isn't bashing Cashman he's just speaking the truth.

And Carl Crawford reminds me of Shrek for some reason.

DVicino said...

Sox...agreed on baseball being back, every once and a while, Boston needs to be reminded that it's still a baseball town, that's all.

And I see the Shrek think, since something about Hume reminds me of Big Baby, I mist agree.

Is it time for Spring Training yet? A few of us are thinking of growing out mustaches and/or neck tattoos to Ft Myers in 2011.

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